Thursday, May 21, 2009

Looking after the Elderly!

My part time job this week was making sandwiches and fruit salads in a care home. It was fun. Not quite chef work just a kitchen hand but beggars can't be choosers. Had a laugh, made a mountain of sandwiches and they ate them all up and wanted more. The home was sweet and all that happened was food was served, tidied up, so that once all was clean they could be fed again. It was an ongoing cycle. The chef was nice man who showed me his own personal shortbread concoction (made with icing sugar instead of castor sugar which gave it a smoother texture). So quick and easy.
Hoping to write restaurant reviews soon - which will mean two things. A free meal and work that I actually will love doing. Reviewing the restuarant and eating their delicious food and perhaps finding out how they make stuff - stuff that I can then play around with and recreate.
Weather is truly apalling at the moment raining non stop and blowing a gale. Its cold at my chef course unless I stand in front of the cooker with all the hobs alight like a very unconventional hearth fire. But the kitchen should be were the heart of the home is so why not.
So looking after the elderly - apart from the weekend work making fruit salads and basic sandwiches the elderly appears to be me. I ache more and more these days - is it because I have passed the big 40 - my back aches (but then it always did), I have a recurring ankle pain which I thought may have been gout but appears to be dodgy (slow healing) tendons around the achillies. Hurt my wrists doing a bird like pose in yoga (overstretched my abilities a tad too far I say). Hovering on my wrists with my arse in the air and feet raised up and head nearly crashing into the floor. Serve myself right - I still weigh a ton and was trying to balance all that on my poor 40 year old wrists. No doubt if asked to do the pose again I will dive into it with gusto. Fool.

Anyway - I shall look after this frail aching body - by feeding it chocolate.
Speak again soon.

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